More of this, please

you’re outta here!

you’re outta here!

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In a lengthy post on the group's Facebook page, leaders explained that the organization "has been a racist, white-dominated space" that has "avoided, ignored, and tokenised BIPOC voices and demands."

That’s right, get the whites out of all this nonsense and it will be first, marginalized, and then disappear, just as the Anti-Viet Nam protests dwindled after Nixon put in a draft lottery. The first year, 1969, the cut-off number for being subject to the draft was 195; the next year it was 125, then 95. Brilliant: 2/3 of draft-eligible men discovered that they were exempt, and we bid adieu to the few suckers left behind: “Okay, so long, and be careful out there – write us at Yale”.

And so went the anti-war movement. We can expect the same phenomenon as whites are marginalized in the arts, the global warming hoax, and college protests. If they’re unwelcome, and there’s no place for them, they’ll go off and find something equally as stupid but, hopefully less harmful to occupy their tiny brains.

Will blacks and Eskimos have the numbers to support all these things on their own? No. How many whites will be wiling to pay, say, $200 to watch a Broadway musical whose entirely-black cast spends two hours shouting at and insulting them? Oh, there will always be some New Yorkers eager for abuse — remember Lennie Bernstein — but how many of them are there, and will they return often enough to keep the box office open? How many tourists will want the same thing, even once?

The same for symphony orchestras, books, and movies. And if they can’t march at the front of BLM marches, or whatever the cause du jour may be, why march at all? Greenpeace, PETA, the Sierra Club (did you know that John Muir is no more, banned as a racist?), outdoor recreation, even birdwatching, for fuck’s sake; all must go dark.

And I think that’s great.

Now this is more like it

Now this is more like it