Shorelands Contract

4 fairgreen.jpg

4 Fairgreen Lane, OG, $6.995 million, 45 days.

Good price, for Shorelands or pretty much anywhere in town for non-waterfront property. The owners tried getting $2.149 for it in 2011-2012 (they’d paid $2.2 in 2007) and then decided to stay put and re-do.

And boy, did they. They completely rebuilt this 1925, 2,500 sq. ft. home and expanded it to 6,392. So, essentially, a new (circa 2013), totally different house. I’m sure that project was expensive, but they must still be doing well here.

original kitchen

original kitchen

and the new, with an ironic reference to the orange

and the new, with an ironic reference to the orange

2012 exterior

2012 exterior