The Other BLM, and this one's actually dangerous

government-owned land. Source: Big Think.

government-owned land. Source: Big Think.

Biden’s nominee for head of the Bureau of Land Management is opposed to and wants to curtail logging, mining, grazing, and oil exploration on federal lands. While sh’s at it, she advocates couples having “no more than two children, preferably one”.

Oh yeah, she also was involved in but escaped prosecution for sabotaging trees by driving nails into them – when a sawmill blade hits a nail in a log the blade shattered, killing or injuring the operator. She typed the threat and sent it to the logging companies, her boyfriend was convicted of actually committing the act.

The government owns 47% of all the land in western states (NYT) and Biden wants to shut down all productive use of it; Miss Stone is his choice of the individual to accomplish that.

This whole movement to stop producing what sustains our economy; imaginary solar energy, eliminating fossil fuels, cutting lumber production in half, stopping mining (where’s the lithium for those car batteries and solar storage going to come from?), construction of transmission and pipe lines, and so on, reminds me of the Russian Lysenko, whose crackpot theories on agriculture were adopted by Stalin and killed millions, and when employed under Mao caused the Great Chinese Famine in the 50s (estimated 15-55 million died of starvation). Similar results here would suit Miss Stone-Mason and her fellow Green Fanatics, but the rest of us won’t be as pleased.

And this should sound familiar:

“Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state.