I kept holding this comment in the pending file to protect the writer from abuse, but she keeps insisting, so ...
/An anymous banshee from an ad hoc and self-styled group calling itself “Hold Seth Bergstein Accountable” has tried three times to post a comment. Okay, Honey, here you go:
(Trying again to get this comment posted. I hope you'll post this so that your readers have the correct facts.)
Hi everyone. Popping in here to clear up some confusion. The account is in NO WAY endorsed by, associated with or connected to Alex Kasser. We are a group of women who've survived domestic violence and want to use our voice to help others. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about coercive control and domestic violence. We welcome any questions in an effort to raise awareness not just for Alex's tragic case, but for the more than 1 in 4 women who will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. We also care deeply about shedding light on the litigation abuse that occurs. It's been a hidden and misunderstood epidemic for too long.
Look: you ladies had unpleasant marriages and, presumably, bitter divorces. So your answer to that is to join forces with a woman you don’t know, a person who chose to use her public office to reveal her own personal experience and push for legislation that will aid her in her divorce. Neither her husband nor her children chose to have the family’s discord smeared across newspapers and social media, Ms. Kasser did, which makes her a horrible mother, and a wife that Mr. Bergstein must be delighted to soon be shed of.
Almost as bad, she decided to quit the job she ran for so that she can summer on Nantucket with her girlfriend, and falsely blamed that decision on the pressures of a divorce that she’s dragging out — and despicably added that she wanted to spend more time with the beloved children she ran out on years ago.
Kasser needs the power of the Karens to protect her? She’s worth tens of millions of dollars, and can surely afford to hire lawyers more vicious than you girls can ever dream of being.
So give it a break, and go find something better to do than trying to cancel someone you don’t know and who surely doesn’t, or want to know you. I suggest needlepoint.