Crazy Days

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11 Kenilworth Terrace asked $3.995 million, has sold for $4.641

9 Shorelands

9 Shorelands

9 Shorelands Court, priced at $2.425 million, closed yesterday for $2.665.

1 Shore Acre

1 Shore Acre

1 Shore Acre Drive, $4.350 ask, $4.4 got. Note: It sold in 2014 for $4.375, so the sellers lost money on this one.

We seem to be back in the boom days of 2004-2007, when potential buyers were greeted by stacks of contracts on a table by the door. Booms bust, and sooner, not later. “This time will be different” has been the cry of exuberants since the Tulip Mania, which collapsed in 1637. So maybe this time is the exception, but I don’t think so.