This is why drinking before 5, even on Fridays, is ill-advised

“Glad I got that off my chest!”

“Glad I got that off my chest!”

Upset that I referred to the sale of her house as the result of a “bidding war”, a fan has written to complain.

“There was no bidding war. We received four all-cash offers, all over-ask, no contingencies”.

Well! That settles that!

The warning against drinking gin and tonics in the afternoon arises from FWIW’s new Word Stickler correspondent’s concluding words, which seem a bit intemperate, even from a member of the Invisible Ladies:

Your ability to understand the current market and what people want and need are sorely lacking. Not much of a real estate broker.

Too bad that you are such an asshole, as this sale could have been your listing (at least from where I was thinking about 5 years ago...)

Have fun with your perpetual far-right-wing crazy-MAGA blog...