LA County to citizens: “vaccines obviously don't work, nor do masks, but get the jab and put on your face diapers anyway, because we say so”.

she who must be obeyed: “Doctor” Barbara Ferrer $550,000 per, but who’s counting?)

she who must be obeyed: “Doctor” Barbara Ferrer $550,000 per, but who’s counting?)

Los Angeles County Reinstates Its Unscientific, Reactionary Indoor Mask Mandate

Led by Not-That-Kind-of-Doctor Barbara Ferrer, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced Thursday that an indoor mask mandate will be reinstated – regardless of vaccination status – because of a “surge” in cases and the Delta variant in the county. The surge is so concerning that residents will be allowed to go maskless for two more days (yes, that’s sarcasm).

“Oh, and remember that bullshit we fed you about locking y’all in your houses “just until we flatten the curve, and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed? Yeah, we lied about that, too.”

From the (liberal) ABC News:

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That “Not that kind of doctor” link sends you to a previous Red State post: This lady is the Jill Biden of public health. But she’s Hispanic, so ….

“Here at RedState we have also pointed out that our public health “experts,” particularly Dr. Anthony Fauci, are not infallible deities, and that doctors aren’t qualified to run the entire country.

“In “Doctor” Ferrer’s case, she’s not an epidemiologist or virology expert. She’s not even a medical doctor, as KABC’s John Phillips discussed on his radio show Wednesday. Her educational resume, from a bio published at USC, where she was a panelist at a “Safe Schools” symposium:

Dr. Ferrer received her Ph.D. in Social Welfare from Brandeis University, a Master of Arts in Public Health from Boston University, a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

“What in the world is a Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies, besides a waste of money? Apparently it is the first step on a career path to becoming a “nationally-known public health leader,” as USC says (emphasis added):

Dr. Barbara Ferrer is a nationally‐known public health leader with over 30 years of professional experience as a philanthropic strategist, public health director, educational leader, researcher, and community advocate. She has a proven track record of working collaboratively to improve population outcomes through efforts that build health and education equity.

As Red State notes, a medical degree is hardly a guarantee that we’ll get sound advice on epidemiology, but I’d prefer the country be run by a senile old man and his clown parade than a power-mad communist community organizer. Unfortunately, right now we have both.

I’m off to price an F-15.

PSAKING BACK: Our federal government is on board: “Yes, vaccines can kill you, but get them anyway. And oh, we need better messaging.”

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