It’s not about pseudo-racial justice, it’s about joining the nomenklatura

how come you didn’t tell me about this one, dummy?

how come you didn’t tell me about this one, dummy?

'Squad' member Cori Bush, a 'defund the police' advocate, recently spent $70,000 on private security

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush spent nearly $70,000 on private security over the past three months as she advocated for defunding the police, campaign filings show.

Bush's campaign sent $54,120.92 in payments between April 15 and June 28 for "security services" to RS&T Security Consulting, a New York-based firm with a mysterious online presence, Federal Election Commission records released Thursday show. The Democrat's campaign also paid $15,000 to Nathaniel Davis for "security services" over the same time period.

The $69,120 in security payments accounted for more than a third of Bush's $197,000 in campaign expenditures during the second quarter, the FEC records show. It's also nearly double what her campaign spent on private security during the first quarter of 2021.

RS&T's website is no longer active, but a cached version of its now-defunct website shows that the group provides "executive protection agents" that provide "first class executive protection and security for national and international figures."

And here’s the money quote:

Meanwhile, Davis' reported address in the filings is the same as Bush's campaign headquarters.

This might be a fruitful area to review — John Durham’s certainly available — but that won’t happen, any more than we’ll see an investigation into Maxine Waters’ funneling $1 million + to her daughter, or OAC paying her boyfriend a million, or Ilhan Omar, that piker, paying her lover a measly $550,000.