Bringing cynicism to a new low

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New owners of 1141 King Street propose six, 10,000 sq.ft, homes.

But there’ll be a one-acre solar panel array “to achieve a carbon-neutral development!”

“I don’t think the local fauna would appreciate it,” said commission chair Margarita Alban of the solar array.

So, six huge, Al Gore-sized mansions, but these stewards of the Earth, Mother Gaia’s servants, will bury an acre of land under mined-in-Tibet rare earth solar panels to power the mansions’ microwave ovens. Power for the homes themselves and their owners’ Tesla fleets will have to be imported from off-site sources, the developers’ attorney Tom Heagney (might have) told FWIW, “but that doesn’t diminish the symbolism we’re going for here”.

Is it mean to hope these guys go bust?