There's actually nothing unusual or even wrong with this, we're just reverting to the 18th and 19th Century’s blatantly partisan journalism; it only the press would admit it

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The farce involved is that our media claims to be impartial reporters of fact. Fortunately, that lie has been shredded. (I do like this quote:The newspaper wars of the 1790s were ferocious. “The golden age of America’s founding was also the gutter age of American reporting,” writes historian Eric Burns. Papers were partisan, not impartial. Editors attacked each other in the street, cursing each other with prolixity and backward-running sentences. They seemed to have the typesetting equivalent of unlimited minutes when it came to using insulting synonyms found in the thesaurus. Their enemies were “depraved,” “worthless,” “vile,” “intemperate,” and “wicked.” Accusations of drunkenness were frequent (and accurate) as were charges of corruption and debauchery.)

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