To the extent that she and her fellow Democrats and the military officer class represent "the state", then she's right

Katie Benner: “Have I got a country for you!”

Katie Benner: “Have I got a country for you!

New York Times DOJ reporter labels Trump supporters “enemies of the state”.

And she and her crowd are enemies of the people; the battle lines are drawn.

Here’s what the Times calls “reporting”, not opinion:

“Today’s #January6thSelectCommittee underscores the America’s current, essential natsec dilemma: Work to combat legitimate national security threats now entails calling a politician’s supporters enemies of the state,” Benner wrote.

Benner explained, “As Americans, we believe that state power should not be used to work against a political figure or a political party. But what happens if a politician seems to threaten the state? If the politician continues to do so out of office and his entire party supports that threat?”

The Times’ DOJ reporter cast doubt that the Pelosi-appointed committee would resolve the “dilemma” since it remained “unresolved” following the Russia investigation and both impeachments of President Trump.

“That leaves it up to voters, making even more essential free, fair access to the polls,” Benner concluded.

Ms. Benner was born and raised in China, so her confusion on the proper roles of a country’s government and its citizens may be understandable, though that’s not an excuse for her editors. As someone pointed out, in response to the argument that opening up trade to China would cause that country to “westernize”, “we’re not exporting our values to them, we’re importing theirs”.

That process seems completed at the New York Times.

PSAKING BACK: Holden provides this link detailing Benner’s career with the CCP. Of course the times would hire her.