Why work?

From each according to his capacity to be squeezed, to each according to his wants

From each according to his capacity to be squeezed, to each according to his wants

Joe Biden Moves to Bankrupt More Americans, and persuade welfare loafers to stay on the rolls

The president is now moving to pressure Congress into extending the so-called “eviction moratorium” that has crippled the housing market and crushed landlords across the country.

This comes after some property owners have not gotten paid rent in over a year while they still have to pay their mortgages. As you can see, this is really caring and compassionate stuff coming from Joe Biden.

The absurdity isn’t just that this is coming under the guise of an “emergency,” but that it’s been allowed to happen at all. On what planet does the CDC or Congress have the constitutional authority to literally steal people’s property with no reimbursement? Yet, that’s exactly what’s been happening. In fact, you can find multitudes of left-wing ideologues willing to defend it as a right and just move, citing the supposed evils of landlords.

There’s no means test for this relief from paying one’s rent or mortgage; to quote our arbitrator of modern cultural norms, “Just Do It”, and millions of Americans have accepted that invitation. And why not? Their debt to their landlord or bank is already huge after piling up for the past 18 months, and by the time Congress ends the moratorium, if it ever does, the amounts owed will dwarf, say, student loan obligations, and be “unpayable”. So our government will pay it all off, and give the tab to the future.

Of course, most Americans have the moral character to pay what they owe, but millions don’t; the same person who’s spent the past 18 months flopped on his couch, collecting unemployment cash sweetened by an extra $300 per week, is also the type to stay on the gravy train for as long as he can. And if he can also live rent-free, he’d be a chump to work. Free money and free rent, or show up a job at the same time every day, to do the same boring work while under the eye of a supervisor? Harsh bud, dude.

I was in Portland Maine, yesterday, and noticed an incredible number of restaurants still operating on a take-out-only basis. Some of that can certainly be attributed to that liberal city’s absolute panic over Kung Flu, but I suspect it’s also a labor shortage that is preventing the restaurants from fully reopening. That shortage persists despite the communist city council’s imposition of a $22 per hour minimum wage, and its own moratorium on evictions (and rent control, though that’s irrelevant, for now). It takes character to go to work when you don’t have to, the type of character that is now denounced as “white racism” by our betters. Stoned and skateboarding in the park, or washing dishes 8-hours a day? That’s an easy choice for many people.