These goofs make our own CDC look almost competent; the trouble is, the Brits still listen to them

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SAGE experts warn that coming COVID mutation could kill one-third of the population, urge the culling of cats

A doomsday new Covid variant that could kill up to one in three people is a 'realistic possibility', according to the Government's top scientists.

Documents published by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) today warned a future strain could be as deadly as MERS — which which has a case fatality rate of 35 per cent — [“camel flu”. Two US cases, total, no fatalities - Ed] could be on the way.

No 10's expert panel said the likelihood of the virus mutating is highest when it is most prevalent — as is currently the case in Britain.

And a downside of Britain's hugely successful vaccine drive, it appears the country's greater levels of immunity could help speed up the process. 

Scientists said Britain should bring in booster vaccine doses over the winter, minimise new variants coming from abroad and consider culling animals — including minks and even cats, which can harbour the virus — to prevent the mutant strain occurring. 

The most notorious member of SAGE is probably Neil Ferguson, who got the COVID panic roll started in January of 2020. The UK Spectator lists some of his previous follies:

In 2001, he called for the culling of farm animals to stop an epidemic of hoof and mouth disease. Six million cattle, sheep, and pigs, estimated value of £10 billion, were slaughtered and burned before it was determined that the risk had been minimal.

In 2002, Ferguson’s “computer model” told him that “between 50 and 50,000” Britains would die of mad cow disease, and “145,000 if the disease spreads to sheep”. Actual death toll, 157.

In 2005 he predicted that Bird Flu would kill 200 million people, worldwide. Actual count: 177 deaths.

In 2009, he predicted that Swine Flu would kill 65,000 in Britain and had a death rate among infected people between 0.3 to 1.5%. In fact, 457 people died, and the death rate proved to be 0.026 percent.

Does every country have a Dr. Fauci, a Dr. Ferguson? If so, why? What, and whose purpose is being served here?