I referenced this story yesterday, but couldn't find the link. It showed up today on InstaPundit

oh, canada!

oh, canada!

Canadian official admits ban on in-person gatherings is to prevent the spread of ‘false information

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, June 28, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – An injunction outlawing in-person gatherings has a purpose other than just to prevent the spread of COVID-19, according to Nova Scotia’s chief medical doctor. If people are allowed to be together, they might “deliberately” spread “false information that creates risk.”

Recently in Nova Scotia, in-person gatherings and even the right to publicly protest were rendered illegal by an injunction issued on May 14. This primarily aimed at preventing gathering to protest continued lockdowns and masking regulations. The injunction also criminalized promoting protests on social media.

One telephone caller questioned the necessity for an injunction banning all in-person gatherings, saying, “I'm wondering about the injunction banning public gatherings and whether there really is a need for such a far-reaching one.”

Strang responded, “So I mean, I think it’s still there. We still have uh, the, uh, bringing large numbers of people together, uh, it can present some risk. We will continue to look at that.”

Stammering, he continued, “But I think the other purpose of the injunction is to, uh, is to, uh, prevent uh, you know, groups that are spreading, uh – deliberately spreading, uh, false information that... can actually create risk. The information itself if listened to creates risk to the public as well so, and…that certainly is a need to manage that misinformation campaign as well.”

Update: A reader writes that he asked a Canadian friend about this story and was told that it was “misinformation”. Well, let’s go to the videotape:

So it could be worse, we could live in Canada. Or Australia, where in Queensland, the 22-hour-per day in-house lockdown has been extended, again, for 6.6 million residents because nine people tested positive for Chinese Flu. And in Brisbane which was shut down again yesterday after one person tested positive, the Premier has dictated that all residents shall wear masks, indoors and outside until every person has been vaccinated”, estimated to occur in late 2022, if ever.