Howard Zinn, teachers, and the war against America

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Bad people proudly doing very bad things

The Zinn Education Project (ZEP), named after the author of A People’s History of the United States, is urging teachers to ignore state laws passed to prevent the use of critical theory pedagogy in the classroom. The demand sounds benign enough:

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At least until you understand that Howard Zinn was a member of the Communist Party and depicts America as a terrorist state. ZEP is just as radical:

In 2008 he [Zinn] helped launch the so-called Zinn Education Project (ZEP), a collaboration between Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change. The initiative was designed to incorporate Zinn’s writings and worldview into all aspects of K-12 school curricula.

The ZEP lessons reinforce Zinn’s presentation of the United States as redeemable only through a socialist revolution. Major historical events are replaced with instances demonstrating relentless oppression.

Taken together, and given the objections to anti-American and identity-centric curriculum from parents across the country, trust in the public school system is irrevocably broken. The only way to restore it is transparency. There is almost no reason a teacher at the elementary level should object to cameras. Parents would expect to see foundational instruction in math, science, reading, and social studies along with specials like art. What most parents do not wish for and will not tolerate is radical gender ideology that instructs children in sexual behavior and asserts that they may choose their gender.

I can observe my Great Dane at the groomer and when we board him. Parents can install a nanny cam to monitor the care of their children. Daycare franchises also offer them. Teachers’ unions that refused to return to the classroom gleefully went on camera all last year to teach students on Zoom. Why not use cameras now?

A refusal now seems disingenuous and hypocritical. Children do not become wards of the state when they enter a government-run school. Parents have the right to know what teachers are teaching their kids.