And a contract slipped in just before the closing bell

Circa 2010

Circa 2010

19 Stoney Wylde Lane (off Clapboard Ridge) asking $3.995 million. It sold for $2.9 in 2013, and $2.975 in 2010.. ai showed it to clients in 2010 and they liked it, but ultimately passed, partly because of its sligtly quirky layout which didn’t bother me at all: I thought it worked well, but I was showing the place, not buying it, so we moved on.

I haven’t seen this iteration, and the extensive photoshopping makes it difficult to see what changes were made to raise its price by $1.1 million, but obviously, at least one buyer noticed them, and approved.

a much better photo, 2021

a much better photo, 2021

you’d think that if they could photoshop the orange, they could extend the same courtesy to Mr. Zebra, but …

you’d think that if they could photoshop the orange, they could extend the same courtesy to Mr. Zebra, but …

unless, of course, “Squashed Otter” is the new zebra, and it could quite well be — I haven’t been keeping up

unless, of course, “Squashed Otter” is the new zebra, and it could quite well be — I haven’t been keeping up