Biden: "It's the Afghans’ mess to clean up now, but we've left them the information they'll need to accomplish that"

why ya’ calling me? Cmon’, man

why ya’ calling me? Cmon’, man

U.S. State Department gave the Taliban the names of all persons of interest the reformers might be interested in speaking to

In a move no one can grasp, U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies, believing the Taliban would allow them to enter the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport. Lawmakers and military officials are outraged.

“Okay, that might have not have been too smart — we’re gonna have to wait to see how it works out”, State Department spokesman Rufus T. Firefly conceded to FWIW, “but at worst, it was a one-time mistake, made to show our trust and faith in Taliban 2.0. If they betray that trust well, that’s on them, not us.

“And those guys will have it all taken care of within a few weeks — certainly, we won’t be hearing about these people a year from now in November. Let’s MoveOn™.”

UPDATE: It appears that our military can, and did share in the glory of what it’s now blaming on the State Department alone. That’s not surprising.

The Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban to provide security outside the airport, and Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of US Central Command, and Rear Adm. Peter Vasely, head of US forces on the ground in Afghanistan, have referred to the Taliban in both written and verbal communications as “our Afghan partners,” two defense officials told Politico.