Couldn't the rag heads just sell off some of the billions of dollars worth of weapons we've just given them?

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Biden and Team America’s Back are scrambling to find ways to keep American citizens’ tax dollars flowing to the Taliban

“They need to eat”

“You’re not sophisticated enough to understand,” Tough Tony Blinken told FWIW when questioned about this latest raid on the treasury, “and frankly, that’s why people like you should leave the running of the country’s affairs to us experts. We gave those weapons to our new brothers: the helicopters, the missiles, the hundreds of thousands of automatic rifles, even the night vision goggles: 16,000 of those, $80 million bucks. I mean, that’s nothing to the Blackhawks at $21 mil a pop, but you get the idea.

“So — we gave ‘em all this shit and now you want us to take it back, like some goddamned redskin Indian givers? Can you imagine the hurt they’d feel, the distrust we’d cause, if we told them they had to sell some of it to buy rice and beans? C’mon, man! The taxpayers are good for this — trust me.”

RELATED: Taliban using biometric scanners the US left behind to hunt down Afghans who worked with the US

Nawazuddin Haqqani, one of the brigade commanders over the Al Isha unit, bragged in an interview with Zenger News that his unit is using US-made hand-held scanners to tap into a massive US-built biometric database and positively identify any person who helped the NATO allies or worked with Indian intelligence. Afghans who try to deny or minimize their role will find themselves contradicted by the detailed computer records that the US left behind in its frenzied withdrawal…