And they've brought in outside help to ensure the quality of that screening

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No need to worry about terrorists coming in with the flood of Afghan refugees, government mouthpieces assure us,

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has flagged some incoming Afghan evacuees as a "concern" as part of the vetting and screening process at military bases around the world. 

"It’s exactly why CBP conducted careful and thorough vetting," Keri Brady, assistant director at CBP’s National Targeting Center, said during a call in a transcript obtained by ABC News

And don’t worry, our people are focused like a laser on the real threat to America:

"In our analysis of online platforms commonly used by anti-government white supremacist and other domestic violent extremist organizations and groups, we are seeing several narrative trends emerge having to do with concerns [about] the relocation of Afghans to the United States," Cohen said.

"In those narrative streams, there have been commentary focusing on potential acts of violence directed at U.S. government, law enforcement and others who are considered to be symbols of the current government structure." 

Also related to the nation’s security, we won’t require the refugees to be vaccinated against COVID. “That woud be racist”, White House flack Jen Psaki explained to FWIW. “We send our new friends from south of the border on their way, free to go where they want, without shooting them up with some experimental drug, so it would be unfair to treat these folx differently — we want them to feel the love, just like the lowliest Guatemalan banana peeler.

“And we follow the science here at the White House”, she continued. “Our soldiers will now be vaccinated involuntarily, but that’s because they can infect other people. Refugees, just like BLM protestors and Democrats, are immune from the bug. Which is curious, but true: just ask Dr. Fauci.”