Well, we won't be able to say she didn't warn us. At least we can't say THAT!

“It’s early days!”

“It’s early days!”

Hacky Psaki to the nation: “Brace yourself, Bridget, there’s worse to come.”

Reporter: “Just to clarify, since you said you were with him, how was he? How was his mood? How was he in dealing with all these — with the incoming information? How was he in asking the questions of military commanders (inaudible)?”

Psaki: “Well, I would say that anyone who’s watched the President up close, which is most of you, knows that the — putting the lives of servicemen and women at risk, and those decisions that you have to make as Commander-in-Chief, weigh heavily on him. And as I noted a few minutes ago, any day where you lose servicemembers is — may be the worst day of your presidency, and hopefully there’s not more. But we are certainly early in the presidency at this point in time.