David Frum: The Canadian Neo-con who was wrong on the Tea Party, wrong on Trump, wrong on Iraq, wrong on everything, has a new idea

So I bought this CZ P-01 Omega yesterday, just to spite him (But I lost it overboard while fishing, along with all my other guns — nothing left, promise)

So I bought this CZ P-01 Omega yesterday, just to spite him (But I lost it overboard while fishing, along with all my other guns — nothing left, promise)

“Responsible Gun Ownership” is a Lie

As more Americans recognize the lie, they may notice a powerful new possibility. Once emancipated from the false myth of the home-protecting gun, they will find it easier to write laws and adopt policies to stop the criminals and zealots who carry guns into the streets. Win enough elections, and the federal courts will retreat from their sudden gun advocacy—and return to their historic deference to state regulation of firearms.

Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Greek writer Thucydides described the progress of civilization. It began, he said, when the Athenians ceased carrying arms inside their city, and left that savage custom to the barbarians. It’s long past time for Americans to absorb this first lesson from the first democracy.

Who are these barbarians Frum wants us to leave in care of our streets? I think he knows, because he so studiously avoids mentioning who, exactly, is committing the carnage he so deplores, and recounts instead weepy tales of grandmothers who forgetfully leave their loaded, cocked pistols under their pillows.* But in case he really is as naive, and stupid, as he pretends, here’s an illustration of his preferred people in action:

Two men are knocked out, robbed by crowd, while women twerk

The attack took place in Chicago around 1:30 a.m. local time in the bustling 400 block of North State Street. Traffic stops as one man is accosted and attacked by two men. He tries to make his escape, but that doesn’t work. Before long he is unconscious in the middle of the street. Two women then arrive in the street and begin twerking just as a passerby wanders into the scene and is knocked out by a punch he didn’t see coming. As they lie unconscious in the street, a mob swarms and robs both men, including taking their shoes, while more “ladies” twerk in the street. No one appears to help.

*here’s a grandmother story, also from Chicago, for Frum’s further education: