Right in plain sight

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Guess who’ll be in charge of prosecutions at ICE now?

…. The PLA oversees more than two dozen field locations and more than 1,200 attorneys. They are also the agency’s chief representative in all litigation and removal proceedings for illegal aliens. It’s a very important role. So who will be taking on this heavy burden for Joe Biden?

Her name is Kerry Doyle. If that name doesn’t sound familiar in the prosecutorial field, it’s because Ms. Doyle has spent her entire career representing illegal immigrants and working for immigration activist groups. One can only imagine how energetically she will be pursuing successful prosecutions and deportations. 

ICE announced the hiring of Kerry Doyle, a longtime partner at the Boston-based law firm Graves & Doyle, as the agency’s new principal legal adviser, a role that oversees 25 field locations and 1,250 attorneys. The office serves as ICE’s representative in all removal proceedings and litigates cases against illegal aliens and terrorists. 

“Throughout her legal practice in Boston, Ms. Doyle worked closely with the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition and Massachusetts Law Reform Institute providing technical assistance and public testimony and various immigration-related policy issues before the state legislature and Boston City Council,” the ICE memo reads. 

This is simply incredible. As near as I can tell from her profile, Kerry Doyle has never prosecuted a single case of any sort in her entire career. Her previous work includes working a case where she obtained a temporary restraining order against Donald Trump’s travel ban in 2017. She was also a public proponent of a Massachusetts bill that would have applied sanctuary city laws nationwide and further restricted law enforcement cooperation with immigration officials. She referred to ICE as being “out of control.”

In other words, the woman who will now oversee the prosecution and deportation proceedings for any illegal aliens ICE manages to arrest has spent her career trying to thwart government efforts to deport criminal illegal aliens. This isn’t some sort of mistake on the part of the Biden administration. It’s a bad joke.

No, it’s not a joke: it’s the deliberate implementation of the Democrats’ plan for open borders. And the lackeys of the press will let them get away with it. Who, in, say the Spring of 2023, will notice the summary of ICE prosecutions during the previous year and report on it, even if that summary shows, as intended, a precipitous decline? The mass media?

VP Biden, 2015:

JOE BIDEN: An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.