There she goes again

lest we forget

lest we forget

AOC weeps for the cameras during the Iron Dome funding vote

Red State’s Bonchie:

It appears that AOC was deeply upset by the fact that Israel will now have, temporarily at least, the weapons needed to protect children from being blown up. The question is why? I’m seeing it reported that she was originally going to vote no with the rest of the anti-Semites but that she changed her vote to present.

Given that, and I’m speculating at this point, maybe she wanted the cameras to catch her “crying?” That way she could vote present and not have the no vote on her record (something that could haunt her in the future) while at the same time signaling to the far-left that she’s still deeply affected by Israel’s supposed “human rights violations.” That’d be my guess.

She made sure to walk up near the guy who was speaking because she knew that's where the camera would be focused. She wanted people to see her crying because it's a stunt.