Mother Gaia's Disciples Actually Have a Good idea

Gaia’s vengence

Gaia’s vengence

Federal flood insurance rates are scheduled to soar

Well, that’s never really going to happen, because too many Democrats have rich constituents in the Hamptons and Westport, but, for now, a provision to raise premiums to match the risk is the hopper.

As it should be. Congress created federal flood insurance back in 1968 and essentially preempted the field, clearing out private insurers. Rates were set based on politics, not risk, with predictable results.

Now, the global warmists have teamed up with other leftists to hike those insurance rates: the Times article cites one homeowner who is facing (over twenty years) an increase in her annual premium from $468 to $7,500, and that will ultimately prove … awkward.

The best answer to the flood insurance mess is to eliminate the federal program and bring back private insurers, who will charge fees commensurate with the risk. People will still be able to build on barrier islands and flood plains; they just won’t be entitled to use other taxpayers’ money to subsidize their choice of lifestyle.