Follow the science

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“Super-Spreader” football games cause COVID cases to drop by half.

The kickoff game between Alabama and the University of Miami (played in Atlanta) — Attendance 71,829

  • Cases 7-day average 7,876 – 4,651

Kent State at Texas A&M — Att. 97,339

University of Louisianna at University of Texas — Att. 91,113

  • 7-day average 16,847 – 10,447

Florida Atlantic University at University of Florida — Att. 86,840

Notre Dame at Florida State — Att. 68,316

  • 7day Average 16,363 – 8,004

San Jose State at University of Southern California — Att. 54,398

Louisianna State at UCLA — Att. 68,123

  • 7-day Average 13,493 – 7,511

Then on week-2, September, 11

Mercer University at University of Alabama — Att. 95,396

  • 7-day Average 4,632 – 3,142

University of Oregon at Ohio State — Att. 100,482

  • 7-day Average 6,719 – 4,875

University of Toledo at Notre Dame — Att. 62,009

  • 7-day Average 4,399 – 3,133

Ball State at Penn State — Att. 105,323

  • 7-day Average 4,106 – 4,101

Refusing to im[ose mask and vaccine mandates causes COVID cases to plummet

Florida COVID Cases See Massive Drop for Third Consecutive Week

And in Jolly Old England …

Covid cases FALL after schools reopen despite autumn surge concerns

Covid infections have plummeted despite fears that the new school term would fuel an autumn surge.

One in 90 people in England had the virus last week, with around 620,100 infected in total, testing by the Office for National Statistics revealed.

This is down 18 per cent from a fortnight earlier, when one in 70 tested positive and estimated total infections stood at 754,000.

Meanwhile, CNN, MNBC and Bedwetter Fauci are wringing ther hands and wailing in terror. Anythig to keep the panic going.