Which is why I don't watch television news shows, of any political persuasion

oh, you know the thing!

oh, you know the thing!

Tucker Carlson makes no sense. It might be possible, I suppose, that the two seemingly contradictory statements below could be reconciled during a face-to-face conversation, where questions and answers were exchanged, but not in a one-way, televised monologue.

Unvaccinated people may theoretically be in danger of getting sick from COVID. Everybody’s got to make that decision personally based on your age and your health. But the unvaccinated pose precisely zero danger to anyone who has been vaccinated. None. Let’s repeat that because it’s the central point here and it’s almost ever made: If you are vaccinated against COVID-19, you face no conceivable danger whatsoever from people who have not been vaccinated. Unvaccinated people cannot hurt you. So calm down. That’s the science. If you don’t believe the science, you have embraced witchcraft and superstition. Please get a grip, and excuse yourself from any conversation about public policy. You’re too irrational to contribute to it. Again, the vaccinated face no health threat from the unvaccinated.

Okay, I’m certainly not particularly worried that the unvaccinated pose a serious threat to me. But then Carlson goes on:

And, no, it’s not just a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." That’s a lie too, it’s just not true. Vaccines do appear to lower the death rate across the population from COVID, but they certainly don’t prevent death from COVID. They don’t. Look at the CDC numbers. According to the CDC, thousands of vaccinated Americans have died so far of COVID-19. According to the CDC, about 13,000 more have been hospitalized with life-threatening COVID symptoms. Vaccinated people.

So, vaccinated people can still get the Whuhu — I understand that, but if they can still get it, then how is it possible that the unvaccinated “pose no conceivable danger whatsoever”?

I oppose mandatory vaccine schemes and COVID passports, just as I do mandates requiring citizens to engage in the useless kabuki mask charade, but I ask for some logic to the argument, even from the people on my side of this debate.