"And shot him at point blank range" — what, they should have backed off 100 yards and then let him have it?

No, you won’t be my neighbor

No, you won’t be my neighbor

Cops shoot gunman on crowded beach, and the usual suspects chime in.

Officers had received reports of a suspicious man with a gun and after making contact with the suspect and giving him multiple commands, he refused orders to drop his weapon, at which point police were forced to open fire.

Cue the Sharpton wannabees:

Local activists are calling for the officers involved to be held accountable, according to Tory Johnson, a founding member of Black Lives Matter in Huntington Beach.

'This is what we're fighting. We're fighting police aggression, whether they are black, brown, purple,' Johnson said. 'What we are saying is you can't go around killing minorities, and you can't treat people a certain way just because they look different from you, or they don't fit the mold of an average citizen in our city.'

If “looking different” and “not fitting the mold of an average citizen” means waving a gun around and refusing to drop it on the command of police officers, then yes, I believe those persons should be treated a certain way: they should be shot. Or at the very least, not surprised if they are.