Summer contracts, fall closings
/11 Highgate Road, Riverside was listed at $5.295 million June 13, found (multiple) buyers, and sold yesterday for $6,107,000. Its builder paid $1.350 for the land and the original state’s former “Ice House”, in October 2018, but even accounting for the lengthy delay of permitting and what must have been some significant costs in building in the AE and VE flood zones, obviously exceeded his profit expectations.
Riverside buyers.
Jones Park Drive, Riverside
34 Jones Park Drive, Riverside, asked $2.150 and sold for $2.160. The buyers are from NYC (10011 Zip) and will likely prove to be end-users, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a local builder among the bidders, because this street and its neighborhood can support a substantial (meaning expensive) new house.
N. Old Stone Bridge
130 N. Stone Bridge, Cos Cob, May listing, July contract, sold yesterday for $2.135 million on a $2.295 asking price. Address of the buyers was not disclosed.
And in a non-MLS sale, 25 Upland Drive, a 1930 renovated house on 4.47 acres, has sold for $7.360 million.
Greenwich buyer.
seton drive
UPDATE: One more. 5 Seton Drive, one of those streets you have to cross into Portchester to get to, was listed in July at $1.250 and has sold for $1.375. A Portchester buyer, suggesting a skip over state lines to escape Westchester County and New York taxes.