Northern price cut
/we’ll hope that the owners saved enough on propane during their six years here to pay off this solar array, and compensate for esthetic desecration they’ve suffered.
36 Day Road is now priced at $3.795 million, a whisper less than its original ask of $3.995. The present owners probably won’t lose too much here, because they paid $3.8 for it in 2016, but their predecessors got whacked on that sale: they’d paid $4.9 for it at the crest of the last boom, 2006. Just as an observation, that 2006 purchase was made outside of the MLS, doubtless because no one needs market guidance during a feeding frenzy, right?
1992 construction, 9,000 sq. ft., reached by driving across the New York border and doubling back down the driveway.