Brave New World: They 'Own the Science,' and They Want to Control How You Access Information About It

Nothing to see here, move along, move along

Lincoln Brown, PJ Media

“We all know that Big Tech is rotten and companies like Alphabet and Meta control search results. We all know that the World Economic Forum is rotten. Naturally, an incestuous union between the two would result in a mutant child that would rival anything from the fever dreams of the most creative science fiction and fantasy authors. And that is what we are about to see to ensure that we get a dystopian future, good and hard.

“The United Nation’s Undersecretary for Communications Melissa Fleming was at a meeting of the World Economic Forum’s anti-disinformation panel last week (cue the laugh track). Along with the UN, representatives from CNN and Brown University were also in attendance for the “Tackling Disinformation” panel. Yeah. CNN at a disinformation panel. Sounds legit. I guess if you are going into the disinformation business, you can always use some pro tips.

“According to the Post Millennial, Fleming announced that the UN was working in partnership with big tech companies to control information on climate change. TikTok is one such company. She also named Google. Naturally. If you’re going to manage the public’s access to information, you need Google, right? Her exact words were:

“We partnered with Google, for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. We’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,”

“Fleming also said that the UN has been working with TikTok, aka Communist China, on a project called Team Halo to recruit influencers to coordinate an acceptable COVID-19 message. And the organization plans to recruit more influencers.

Yes, Google, Meta, and the rest have been skewing search results for a long time. It has been coming in bits and small bites to make it more palatable. Case in point: Fox News reports that the RNC is claiming that Google suppressed fundraising and get-out-the-vote emails. RNC officials say that Gmail is sending those emails to spam folders to the tune of 22 million, just since September 28. Google is claiming that its hands are clean. Republicans are demanding an FEC investigation. Good luck with that, RNC.

Elites control the media and the narratives, and, as Fleming says, they want people to know that. It isn’t that the elites are getting sloppy; they figure that their position is so secure that there is no need to mask their intent.

So they “own the science.” Science is now what the United Nations and World Economic Forum say it is, and Alphabet, Meta, TikTok and will make sure that you comply. Well, maybe not you, dear reader. But your kids and grandkids will comply. Your neighbors will probably comply. Why? Because by and large, not many people have the wherewithal to dig deeper or to ask questions.”