But we will, because we've been conditioned, which was the whole point to begin with

Kevin Downey, Jr.: Never forget some of the dumbest bat stew flu restrictions

From arresting solitary paddle boarders, to filling skateboard parks with sand, to requiring families to send just one family member for groceries. Downey provides a limited, but illustrative list of the useless, insane controls foisted on the nation and the world by so-called medical experts. I said at the time that the deep state, or whatever you want to call these despots, was experimenting with a proof of concept, and would be back again with even larger, more encompassing plans to control the masses, and they are. Over in China, Xi’s leading the way, but as recently as last spring, our own Dr. Fauci was warning that “we might have to bring back lockdowns later in the year”, and it won’t surprise me if they try.

So Downey’s right; we shouldn’t forget what these people did to us, but the reason for doing so is so that we don’t voluntarily give up our liberty again. My guess, however, is that a vast majority of the population will be cowed into doing it again when the next “national emergency” s declared.