Screw him — he and his friends voted for the very politicians who’ve done this

who knew that expanding the pie by 3 million aliens would mean smaller slices for the existing freeloaders?

Elected president of NYC public housing tenants association whines that city is paying millions for migrants “but won’t help us”.

New York will shell out hundreds of millions to migrants who have descended on the city since crossing the US-Mexico border — and Daniel Barber, for one, is disgusted.

Barber, 53, who represents New York City Housing Authority’s 339,000 tenants, said, “The city is going to put forth a ton of money for these people who aren’t even citizens, but they forgot about the people who live in public housing right here.”

Last week, the Independent Budget Office projected the city will spend at least $596 million a year to provide shelter, education, health care and legal aid to more than 17,000 asylum seekers after Texas Governor Greg Abbott began busing them in from Texas this summer.

In fiscal 2021, NYCHA doled out $773,700 to “support various tenant-based initiatives,” according to the city. NYCHA is the largest public housing administration in North America, with $4.2 billion in expenditures this year, the City Council’s Finance Division Report states.

Barber said he resents the city for helping asylum seekers find jobs and signing them up for training when thousands of young people in NYCHA need better access to jobs and after-school programs to keep them out of gangs and off the streets.

Go tell it to “No-Borders AOC” — or vote Republican next time.