Trust in public health authorities was buried long ago; now they're bringing in bulldozers to pile on more dirt

First, some background on the man heading the White House Covid Response Team:

Brown UniversityPress Release, May 17, 2022:

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — At the request of U.S. President Joe Biden, Dr. Ashish K. Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health, will serve as the next White House coronavirus response coordinator. In succeeding Jeffrey Zients, Jha will lead the response of the entire U.S. government to the COVID-19 pandemic, while also advancing the nation’s global health priorities and policies.

Biden issued a statement on Thursday, March 17, announcing Zients’ departure and Jha’s appointment.

“Dr. Jha is one of the leading public health experts in America, and a well-known figure to many Americans from his wise and calming public presence,” Biden said. “And as we enter a new moment in the pandemic — executing on my National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan and managing the ongoing risks from COVID — Dr. Jha is the perfect person for the job.”

Now this, from Powerline: More disinformation from the feds

Kevin Roche emailed this morning:

This “gentleman,” Dr. Jha, is the new dunce in charge of the federal CV-19 response. He said today that the vaccines would literally prevent every death.

For months in Minnesota, over 70% of all events–infections, hospitalizations and deaths–have been in the vaxed or vaxed and boosted. Deaths in particular are heavily concentrated in the boosted, which is partly an age effect. But it is either complete ignorance or just flat out lying to say what he said. It is amazing to me that almost three years in these guys still think they can get away with this crap.

Lies, damn lies, and still more lies:

“The real leaders of American medicine are out there telling you that you need to go get a vaccine. You can decide to trust America’s physicians or you can trust some random dude on Twitter.

And let’s not forget this guy: