How are people without off-street parking going to charge their EVs? They won’t be able to, and that’s the point

Britain: Woke Brighton council wages war against motorists by replacing parking bays with bike shelters

Motorists are furious with Brighton and Hove's 'woke' council after it replaced sought-after parking spaces with bicycle shelters.

Scores of residents' spaces have been scrapped by the Green Party council to make way for up to 150 cycle hangars – which can each accommodate six bicycles.

But the £500,000 scheme has left locals, some of whom have paid up to £385 for an on-street parking space, fuming as they claim they can no longer leave their vehicles outside their homes.

Some cycle hangars have even been placed in the middle of two permit spaces, making it impossible to use either spot.

The council has faced controversy for a series of measures which have penalised motorists, including introducing a cycle lane on the seafront road.

It is also trying to ban parking on another busy road and said voting against the measures would be 'diluting air quality measures' in the city.

The council has previously been accused of being 'woke' after it banned disposable barbecues on the beach and in public parks claiming they contributed to global warming.

Last year the council was also branded a 'laughing stock' after it banned weed killer and blamed the resulting infestation on Brexit.

Cities, whether in England or America, are never going to put meaningful numbers of chargers on the streets, both because, at $3000-$5,000 apiece, they won’t be able to afford it and also because the people who decide these matters for us don’t want cars in urban areas. In the future, I predict that the Little People will be allowed to travel outside their cities only on mass transit or rented electric cars, and even that travel will be dependent on a satisfactory social credit score, as graded by the government.