Is Chris Murphy calling for defunding NYC's police force? Good on him; it's time to get tough.

No money for cities and police forcs that won’t enforce gun laws on the books, says he.

New York State has some of the strcitest gun laws in the nation, but by order of its governor and NYC’s DA, felons caught with guns are tagged and released immediately, without bail or llegal consequences. I’d say our sennator has an easy target to aim at here.

Sen. Chris Murphy on Sunday suggested withholding federal funds from law enforcement agencies that refuse to enforce state and national gun laws in the wake of mass shootings in Colorado and Virginia.

Murphy (D-Conn.), an outspoken advocate for gun control laws and an assault weapons ban, said the Senate needs to have a conversation about funding law enforcement outfits that balk at implementing gun laws in “Second Amendment sanctuaries.”

“They have decided that they are going to essentially refuse to implement laws that are on the books. That is a growing problem in this country,” Murphy said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“And I think we’re ​going to have to have a conversation about that in the United States Senate. Do we want to continue to supply funding to law enforcement in counties that refuse to implement state and federal gun laws?”​ he said. ​