Disqus announces changes in its comments feature

I found this email in my inbox yesterday. It seems rather silly and overly self-congratulative, but some readers had asked whether I had done something to the format, changes I’d been unaware of and hadn’t noticed, so I thought I’d post Disqus’ missive.

who knew?

After months of collaboration with our incredible community of commenters and publishers, we’re excited to roll out a new look for the Disqus comment section!

The main objectives of our refresh are:

  • To make Disqus more welcoming and engagement-friendly

  • To modernize the look & feel of the comment embed

  • To better integrate the comment section into publisher content and styling

What’s changed?

We've sorted the changes into the following three general categories:

  •  Design

Bigger avatars for greater viewability, new looks for upvote/downvotes and Favorite Discussion icons, slightly larger fonts for display names and comments. More seamless integration with publisher color palettes. Subtle design touchups across the board.

  •  Organization

Embed sort order options surfaced for greater ease of use, more intuitive placements for individual features, and overall much less clutter. We're making sure that conversations are easier to engage with than ever before.

  • Functionality

Agree to Comment Policies to dismiss them from view moving forward. New formatting for Reactions and Custom Reactions. Greater emphasis on clean, intelligent UI. 


What hasn’t changed?


If it wasn't broken, we didn't fix it. That's why you'll notice that the main areas of core functionality—basic comment section navigation, how to log in and post comments/replies, where main features are located—have, by and large, been left unchanged.

What’s next?

We're not finished—we’re going to continue collecting feedback in the days and weeks ahead, and we'll be sure to keep rolling out improvements until our job is done. In the meantime, please keep the feedback coming! Feel free to reach out to us via email at any time.

This is just the beginning of a greater effort to ensure that Disqus remains the engagement platform of choice for publishers in 2023 and beyond. We've got much more on the way.

Thank you!

 - The Disqus Team