If something can't continue, it won't; despite Biden's best efforts

Largest illegal alien caravan in history crosses border into Texas

The report’s based on a story from The Daily Mail, a publication where hyperbole is not unknown, but still, things are heating up down at the border as the illegals gather for the final collapse of the border next Wednesday, the 21st.

A caravan of more than 1,000 illegal immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua on Sunday "streamed across the southern border into Texas," the Daily Mail reported Monday.

The caravan, which the Daily Mail says may be "the largest in history," rushed across the Rio Grande into El Paso. Mexican police appear to have helped the immigrants cross the U.S. border, with images showing police "escorting nearly 20 buses filled with migrants into Ciudad Juarez," directly across the border from El Paso.

The mass crossing came nine days before the expiration of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows law enforcement to rapidly expel illegal immigrants. A federal judge already struck down the policy, though states are appealing that ruling. The Biden administration, which earlier this year moved to end the policy, has started weighing similar policies as the border crisis worsens.

And there’s this:

‘About to Break’: Newsom Says Feds Are Overwhelming California With Immigrants

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) this week warned that California would experience an unsustainable flow of illegal immigrants once President Joe Biden reverses the Trump administration’s border policy.

"The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working and is about to break in a post-42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership," the governor told ABC News Monday.

"I'm saying that as a father," Newsom said. "I'm saying that as someone that feels responsible for being part of the solution and I'm trying to do my best here."

The governor also complained about the Biden administration’s decision to send "planes and buses to California full of migrants because of all the good work … the state is doing for the immigrant community," ABC News's Sacramento, Calif., affiliate reported.

Oh wait, it’s the Biden administration that’s doing this shuttling of aliens around the country? Wasn’t that supposed to be against the law of common decency and compassion? Just a couple of months ago AOC and her media pals said that governors sending migrant [sic] buses to liberal cities are committing “crimes against humanity”. I guess this must be different, because I haven’t heard the barista whining about Joe recently.

In any event, back to the story:

Newsom’s comments allude to the Biden administration’s plan to next week lift Title 42, a Trump-era policy that allows law enforcement to quickly expel illegal immigrants.

[His] apparent criticism of Biden’s immigration moves is new for the governor known for tweeting condemnations of Texas and Florida, whose Republican governors have transported busloads of illegal immigrants to liberal enclaves like Martha’s Vineyard and Washington, D.C. Newsom also raised his national profile by fighting President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

Now, it seems, he will miss at least some aspects of Trump’s pandemic policy.

UPDATE: The Democrats double-down, and are trying to attach a provision to the spending bill that will release thousands of aliens currently in ICE detention. “You are now free to roam about the country”.

UPDATE II: Congressman Johnson warns against busing a million illegals to Martha’s Vineyard, as currently advocated by some patriots (well, by FWIW):