An updated political lexicon for readers who haven't been able to keep up
/“A Reader Up North” sends along this link to a Powerline post. Here are a few entries; many more at the link:
Populism: When the wrong person or cause wins a free election, like Brexit or Trump.
[Alternative: John Gray’s definition—“Populism is a term used by centrist liberals to describe political blowback from the disruption of society produced by their policies.” (In The New Statesman.)
Woke (1): The belief that (1) all of society is currently and intentionally structured to oppress, (2) all gaps in performance between large groups illustrate this, and (3) the solution is ‘equity’—proportional representation without regard to performance. (From Wilfred Reilly)
Woke (2): A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
Racism: Any kind of resistance, conscious or unconscious, to the political program of the left.
Democracy: Any institutional design or voting system that enables the left to get what it wants. [Updated version: “Our democracyTM”—democracy as the left defines it]
“Threat to democracy”: When Republicans win an election.
Diversity: Where everyone looks different, but thinks the same thing, and speaks in identical cliches.
Equity: The phrase leftists use when they reach for your wallet.
Inclusion: The deliberate exclusion of white males.
Disinformation: Anything a conservative says.
“Investment”: Democrat-speak for “spending money on our favorite constituency groups.”
Property: Theft. (See Marx, Karl, & Proudhon, Joseph.)
Social justice: Alternative phrase leftists use when reaching for your wallet. (See “equity,” above.)
“Structural oppression”: Synonym for “we hate capitalism.”
“Hate speech”: Any statement that challenges the dogmas of the left. Usually deployed whenever a conservative is about to win an argument. (See also, “Racism,” above.)
Free speech: The firebombing of public buildings by Leftists.
Violence: The expression of conservative ideas.
Child: A legal adult under 21 who wants to own a gun
Adult: A 12-year-old who wants to have his or her genitalia removed.
Inflation: the consequence of the federal government spending an insufficient amount of money. Alternative definition: something caused by Vladimir Putin.
“We need to have a conversation about. . .”: You shut up and agree with the left.
Dialogue: A monologue where the Left explains and the Right agrees.
Living Constitution: The written Constitution is dead.
Compromise: Moving left to the position the left wants.
Public-Private Partnership: A half-baked feel-good proposal doomed to inevitable failure resulting from inept management by government officials with no business experience. Syn: “urban renewal.”
Advocate: People without real jobs who live to complain.
“Stakeholders”: Self-appointed advocates who demand the right to tell you how to run your company.
“Re-Imagine”: The term used by leftists who think their dreams can become reality simply with a mere act of will. A term conservatives don’t use.
Reform: Coming from a leftist, “reform” means destroy the existing institution.