I'm so old, I remember when many of us couldn't believe that the country would agree to be locked up in their houses
/Climate lockdowns coming to a town near you; in fact, it’s already arrived in Oxford
Oxfordshire County Council Pass Climate Lockdown ‘trial’ to Begin in 2024
Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.
Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, secretly decided to divide-up the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts in 2021 soon after they were elected to office. None of the councillors declared their intention of imprisoning local residents in their manifestos of course, preferring to make vague claims about how they will ‘improve the environment’ instead.
Every resident will be required to register their car with the County Council who will then monitor how many times they leave their district via number plate recognition cameras. And don’t think you can beat the system if you’re a two car household. Those two cars will be counted as one meaning you will have to divide up the journeys between yourselves. 2 cars 50 journeys each; 3 cars 33 journeys each and so on.
David Strom, Hot Air:
Don’t worry. You won’t exactly need a passport to move around. You can escape using human power, such as your legs or a bicycle. No armed guards will roam the streets, not even a Bobby. The enforcement mechanism will be more along the lines of China’s social credit system, with remote monitoring and punishments.
As usual, this horrible idea comes from our friends at the World Economic Forum. They care so deeply about us that they have a plan for every moment of our lives and every movement that we consider making. For our own good.
It all stems from their plans for a “Great Reset” post COVID. The WEF and the Davos set have made clear–not in a conspiratorial way, but announcing it with great fanfare–that COVID has created an opportunity to reset society along more socialist and top-down lines. They are big believers in technocracy, as long as they are the technocrats who get to design and run everything.
Everything in their lives, and everything in yours as well.
You can see why the Elite keeps pushing COVID panic. It is the necessary foundation for their larger plans. As long as they can keep the population scared half to death they can use the “emergency” to change everything else. The idea being that by the time the pandemic is “over” their plans are already implemented.