It's too bad January 6 wasn't a genuine insurrection — we need one.

this is fun!!!

Guess which party holds 8 of the 10 biggest earmark grabs in the latest Senate spending bill?

Awww, you peeked!

[Senator Richard] Shelby — R], is blowing it up in his last weeks. He won't be around to pick up the higher inflation pieces that may result from his omnibus spending increases, including his status as the league leader and most valuable player of the earmarks World Series.  [He’s retiring].

When I say Sen. Shelby is the league leader, I know whereof I speak. According to his own Senate Appropriations Committee, his earmarks come to $650 million. The runner-up is another retiree, Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma with $511 million, that is followed by recently re-elected Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska at $490 million. 

So, of the top 10 most valuable player candidates for earmarks, eight of them are Republicans. Remember how the GOP ran in the midterms to cut spending and inflation? Didn't do all that well, did they?  

You can call around senators or senior Hill staffers right now, and nobody will be able to tell you what the topline spending total's going to be or what the individual committee deals are going to be. 

…. SEN. RAND PAUL: The omnibus will be 3,000 pages, we’ll get it two hours before they want to pass it, no one will read it, but hidden in the 3,000 pages will be — we are going to waive pay go. So, Steve Moore is right, it will take 41 votes, but the other thing is, 41 votes would stop the big spending… We have completely and totally abdicated the power of the purse. Republicans are emasculated, they have no power and they are unwilling to gain that power back.