Fortunately, he'll begin amassing his fortune in January, and in two years he'll be wealthy beyond his wildest dreams

The 25-year-old’s bio includes hints as to the reason he failed to land on the gravy train until now:

On his website, Frost said he was adopted, did not finish college and has never held office.

Instead, he spent time volunteering in his community and speaking out about abortion rights and gun control — while driving for Uber to make ends meet.

“As a young man, I experienced police abuse firsthand and saw my community ravaged by gun violence,” Frost wrote on his website.

“And I’ve experienced how working people and people of color are unjustly marginalized and left behind in our society,” he added.

In August, he told Politico that he quit his driving gig to run for office.

“I drive Uber to pay my bills. It’s a sacrifice, to be honest,” he told the outlet. “But I’m doing it because I can’t imagine myself not doing anything but fixing the problems we have right now.”

Asked if he’d be returning to his mothers’ country to make his fortune, Frost, the child of Cuban refugees, told FWIW he’d be staying put: “I’m just gonna make America Cuba”, he explained, “c’ept here, I’ll already be on top when it happens”.