Indoctrination strikes deep, Into your life, it will creep. It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line, the man come and take you away

Neil Young and band are led to safe shelter

The struggle to drag Britons 'back to normal': Unions and scientists claim Boris is moving 'too far, too soon' as he reveals ALL Covid rules will be gone in a fortnight - as poll shows 75% of public want to carry on isolating and half want curbs FOREVER 

And good for him: had Trump kicked our own, similar “scientists” to the curb, he’d still be president:

SAGE scientists have also warned of the 'dangers' of the PM's plan - after it emerged Mr Johnson had not discussed it with the committee now infamous for its gloomy predictions about the pandemic.

[A] new YouGov poll of nearly 4,500 Britons that shows three-quarters of people believe the self-isolation requirement after a positive Covid test should remain in place. Half of people questioned admitted they want the legal requirement to stay in place forever. 

Christina McAnea, general secretary of the public sector union UNISON, said: 'Everybody wants to get back to normal, but Covid risks haven't disappeared. ​This is going too far, ​way too soon. Infections are still rife in schools​. Large numbers of pupils ​and staff are off​. Allowing ​a ​premature return could lead to a further jump in infections and disrupt learning for thousands more ​children and young people.' 

The resistance comes despite Covid infections falling consistently, deaths are in freefall, and hospitalisations are dropping or stable across the country.

The milder nature of Omicron, coupled with sky-high levels of immunity, mean the NHS never came under the levels of pressure that No10's experts feared would happen.

UPDATE: In NYC, that cesspit of Democrats, there’s “overwhelming” support for continued mandated masking, forced vaccinations, and the imposition of higher hospital charges for the (black, mostly) unvaccinated.

A majority of New York City residents say they agree with COVID-19 vaccine mandates – and they’re angry with the minority who refuse to get jabbed, a survey released Thursday shows.

Residents polled by the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health said the coronavirus vaccine should be required for people who work in service industries and schools, and should be a mandate for indoor activities and airplane travel.

More than half of New York respondents — 54 percent — said they are angry with the small percentage of residents who have refused to get vaxxed.

The poll of 2,500 city adults was taken from Jan. 28-30 — shortly before Gov. Kathy Hochul lifted the mask mandate on businesses and New Jersey and Connecticut announced that mask wearing will no longer be required in schools as the Omicron wave of COVID fades.

“The mask lifting heightens the need to get vaccinated,” said Dr. Aymen El-Mohandes, dean of the school.

(News Break, 2/10/22: Triple-jabbed Prince Charles tests positive for COVID for second time.)

The survey found that 69 percent of respondents believe individuals must be vaccinated to participate in indoor activities (dining, theaters, gym) or to work at schools. Some 68 percent supported a mandate to work at health-care facilities and for other on-premises employment, while two-thirds said the same in order for people to work in the service industry (bars, restaurants and salons) or engage in air travel.

Half of the respondents said unvaccinated people should have to pay higher health care premiums for posing a higher risk to the public.

How panicked are these poor government-trusters, and what has been the effect? This much:

The poll also showed the psychological toll the pandemic has had on New Yorkers. Many are experiencing financial and mental health stress.

More than a third of all respondents — 34 percent — said they were worried their food would run out before they had money to buy more, up from 29 percent a year ago.

More than four in 10 New Yorkers — 42 percent — admitted to feeling depressed or hopeless in recent weeks.