It's happening in residential construction too
/Greenwich seeks $4 million more for civic center construction due to supply chain issues, inflation
In an interview with Greenwich Time, Monelli cited several factors for the higher bids, including the supply chain issues that have been reported nationwide.
“Those industries that utilize energy to produce products like steel and concrete are being affected,” he said. “It’s inflation. It’s supply chain issues and changes in production practices to be greener. It’s all affecting the cost of these products. Things like concrete and steel and aluminum are all being affected, and it’s driving the costs up.”
Just yesterday, FWIW reader Tim Shoelace reported from out west, “ Supply is constrained. I can't speak to here, but I see the shortages firsthand in trying to build houses in Montana right now. For example, the electric company has run out of transformers. Can't really build and sell a house without electricity.”
We’re living in interesting times.