Back to the Rehoboth Bunker for the weekend

get a good look now, ‘cause I’m outta here

As Invasion Looms, Biden Ignores Press To Go Take Selfies, Then Helicopters Out To Delaware

Not an issue, though; the country’s in the best of hands.

“This isn’t really about invasion, or border integrity”, White House janitor Ezekiel Donunnerstand told FWIW, “it’s about root causes — why does Vladimir feel it necessary to cross into Ukraine? Are there some unresolved early childhood issues? A feeling that he’s been disrespected by the west? Fears about global warming, and its effect on his troop's’ readiness? We need to know, and so we’ve dispatched our expert on discerning and solving underlying causes, Kampallawalla, over there ; she’ll set things right in a hurry, you betcha.”

(Glenn Reynolds asks, “is Munich a felicitous location for talks on a threatened invasion in Eastern Europe?”)

just say’in