Price cut on Sherwood Place

58 Sherwood Place, circa 2020

58 Sherwood Place has cut its price from $2.495 million to $2.295. It first hit the market August, 2016 at $4.2 million.

Of interest is that this house’s listings from 2016 until 9.02/21 gave its original construction date as 1820, but it was apparently remade in just two weeks, because this current listing, dated 9/15/2021, shows its construction date as 2015*. Amazing, especially because the owner seems to have constructed an exact duplicate of the original house.

58 Sherwood Place, 1820

There may be some buyer resistance to this house because of the current proposal to build a 7-story, 192 unit apartment building in its backyard, on Church Street, but their fears will doubtless be eased by the out-of-state developer’s description of what it plans: “The building is intended to be contextual, with an architectural design that will blend with the neighborhood,”

So there’s that.

proposed apartment building, courtesy of 8-30g law

9/15/21 listing

9/02/21 listing