Heck, they didn't need to fire the poor guy

I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!

Last Friday we brought you the story of the mayor of a small town in Ohio worried about prostitutes hanging out in ice fishing shanties; now comes this sad development:

Ohio mayor has resigned

HUDSON, Ohio — The mayor who suggested that allowing ice fishing shanties on a lake could lead to prostitution resigned Monday after days of being mocked and drawing national attention to the city. 

Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert said in his resignation letter that his comments at a City Council meeting  had been misinterpreted.

“My attempt to inject a bit of dry humor to make a point about this, in the midst of a cold, snowy February, was grossly misunderstood,” Shubert said. [The video is below — you can decide for yourself whether this was misunderstood dry humor — Ed]

During the discussion about whether to permit people to fish on the frozen city lake last week, Shubert said he wanted to raise some “data points.” 

“Does someone come back next year and say, ‘I want an ice shanty on Hudson Springs Park for x amount of time?'” Shubert said. “And if you then allow ice fishing with shanties, then that leads to another problem — prostitution. Now you’ve got the police chief and the police department involved.”

In his resignation letter, Shubert said he felt he had completed his work as mayor and that he was nearing retirement. 

“Some in our community saw this as an opportunity to engage in the politics of personal destruction by means of character assassination, blaming me for the negative international press they helped to promote,” he said.

What negative press? Who the hell had ever heard of Hudson, Ohio before Mayor Schubert thrust it into the international spotlight? That’s bad? Now that the world is aware of the bonus benefits of fishing in Hudson, it could become a mecca for pescadores from around the world, or at least attract van loads of squareheads from Minnesota.

Hudson’s missing an opportunity here: bring the guy back and hold an annual Craig Schubert Ice Fishing Tournament. It’d bring in some cash, and besides, what the hell else is there to do in Hudson, Ohio in February?