This is why we will have no new-generation nuclear power plants in our lifetimes — or our children’s

you only just applied for permission — 10 years ago? 15? Don’t rush me!

The National Highway Safety Administration almost ready to approve new-fangled car headlights, 20 years after they were introduced in Europe and Japan

The US will finally allow adaptive beam headlights on new cars. “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is finally poised to legalize adaptive beam headlights in the US. On Tuesday, the NHTSA announced that it has issued a final rule that will update the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, which currently only allow for “dumb” high- and low-beam lights. Adaptive beam lights use a matrix of projectors, some of which can be turned off to shape the beam so the lights illuminate the road but don’t shine at an oncoming driver. (These are an advancement over the auto-high beam technology that you may have fitted to your current car.) The technology has been around for nearly two decades in Europe and Japan. Automakers have been asking the NHTSA to update its headlamp rules for some time now. In 2013, Toyota first petitioned the agency to allow for adaptive beam lights, and the NHTSA agreed to begin the laborious and lengthy federal government rulemaking procedure.”

Slated for approval by 2050: the electric toothbrush.

Over 40 years ago, I commented to a friend that electrical power would never have been developed and approved for use in our country if the federal and state governments of 1980 had been in charge. It’s only gotten worse.