It's a start, and to be fair, de Blasio left him in a deep, deep hole

fun time over? maybe.

Adams announces a crackdown (or is that “put that crack pipe down”?) on subway loonies and lawlessness.

“No more doing whatever you want.”

“No more smoking. No more doing drugs. No more sleeping. No more doing barbecues on the subway system. No more just doing whatever you want,” he said.

“No. Those days are over. Swipe your MetroCard. Ride the system. Get off at your destination. That’s what this administration is saying.”

During a news conference at Manhattan’s busy Fulton Street Transit Center, Adams said teams of outreach workers and NYPD cops would start canvassing the subways next week to identify mentally ill and homeless people who need to be removed and will work to get them the treatment and housing they need.

“We know where they are. There’s one case where a woman has been living under a staircase for months. It’s just not acceptable,” he said.

“That’s disgusting and that’s not who we are as a city.”

It can’t hurt, but it won’t help unless the DA and the courts join him in the effort, and I’m skeptical.