Letting go of deeply-held religious beliefs is always hard

thank god the spring BLM season begins soon, and these poor dears will be able to refill the hole in their souls

Shot: MSNBC Reporter admits that the Democratic base doesn’t want to return to “normal”.

“I mean, for the past two years, so much of the identity of what is meant to be a Democrat, to follow the science, was tied up in masking and following these rules and regulations. And if you didn’t do that, you were you know, a bad person, you were Ron DeSantis, you’re a denier. So, now these Democratic leaders need to get their base comfortable with unwinding all of that,” Seltz-Wald added.

Chaser: There Is Little Evidence That Mask Mandates Had an Important Impact During the Omicron Surge

Case trends in states with mandates were very similar to case trends in states without them.