It wouldn't be so scary if we had a VP ready to step into the role but ...

“The average former mistress of Willie Brown is 57 years old, and her only leadership experience consists of being around political campaigns …. She literally knows nothing.” — Ben Rhodes

Kamala Harris slammed for ‘word salad’ response to Ukraine-Russia questions

Vice President Kamala Harris was mocked after she appeared unprepared to discuss the Ukraine crisis during a Q&A with reporters at the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

“I mean, listen, guys, we’re talking about the potential for war in Europe,” Harris said at one point Sunday in response to a question about how the Biden administration saw the situation’s “endgame” playing out.

“I mean, let’s really take a moment to understand the significance of what we’re talking about,” the veep went on. “It’s been over 70 years. And through those 70 years … there has been peace and security. We are talking about the real possibility of war in Europe.”

Twitter user Jon Will Chambers summed up the thoughts of many by asking: “Did I just watch Kamala Harris claim there has been peace in Europe for 70 years?”

Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy pointed out on Twitter that those 70 years of “peace and security” included the Yugoslavian civil wars of the 1990s, “as well as Russia’s attacks on Georgia & Ukraine.”

“Also, Berlin Wall only came down three decades ago so I’d quibble with 70 years,” he added before emphasizing in a second tweet that “it is not true there have been no wars in Europe for 70 years, nor do I consider the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe ‘peace & security.'”

What’s really scary is that, with a drooling old man in diapers too incapacitated to lead, Kampallawalla Ding Dong was the best they could scrape up to send over there.